Ark Dinos Faerben Vorlagen
Left mouse button brings up the ui that allows for infinite custom colour options or breedable ark colours.
Ark dinos faerben vorlagen. Settargetdinocolor region color id some colors do not occur naturally on wild creatures but they can appear as a mutation in bred creatures. Has the ability to save and load your designs designs carry across to any server running this mod. Fast and free downloads. Right mouse button acts as a copy paste.
Template tutorials and resources. Add any item dino beacon or experience points to the shop points trading system create custom kits with items and dinos inside players can receive points for the time spent on server sqlite or mysql database customizable config. Der inhalt ist verfügbar unter der lizenz cc by nc sa 3 0 sofern nicht anders angegeben. Type the following command into the window admincheat settargetdinocolor x y x body region 0 5 not all dinos have all regions y colour eg.
Ark paint templates for ark survival evolved game. Once you have typed in the command into the window move your cursor to the blue admin command box to highlight it and press x. Diese seite wurde zuletzt am 28. A creature has up to 6 color regions numbered 0 to 5.
Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Use this to customize the appearance of your dinos. During certain events however based on what event is occuring specific color can. Dinosaur human signs and billboard designs.